Tuesday, July 19, 2016

That Special Lady

OK, I'm not ashamed to say that I've been on a few dating sites. The profile heading on the most recent dating site that I'm on is, "Trying Again to find that 'Special' Lady."

A lovely female sent me a message asking, "What is that special lady like?"

Here's my response:

The special lady for me would need to be a reader. She would need to know her responsibility to make a positive difference in society. One person can definitely make a difference.

That special lady for me cannot rely on outdated, archaic, medieval sacrosanct mythology, plagiarized and lifted from Egyptian folklore. If she rolls up her sleeves and does independent study and research about cosmology, about the universe (see Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson); if she studies the Sumerian culture, ancient Babylon, Mesopotamia and the birth of civilization, she will realize that she's been duped by mostly Roman stories. Most women will not do this type of independent study of course, but will continue to rely on apocryphal literature written by men who knew very little about the world around them.

I've been writing and researching primarily about pre-Christian cultures for the past 20 years or so. Google "taskeinc" and read a few articles that I've submitted over the Internet in the past 15 years (over 3000), if you're at all interested.

I've also created and maintain a couple websites and numerous blogs. AmazingUniverse.info is my baby, inspired by the genius of African American Astrophysicist Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson - one of the most brilliant minds of the 21st century.

I mention none of this to brag or boast, only to make the point that I'm not all about partying, hanging out, or sex. I truly want to be a positive light in this world and make the world a better place for my children and their children as well (when/if they come along).

That "special lady" would have to understand what Barry is about as I would attempt to understand what she's about. However, I won't tolerate ignorance and someone who doesn't even try to understand the complexity of who and what she is and her extremely significant place in the universe.

Take care of yourself.... as Gandhi stated, "Be the change you want to see in the world."

I mentioned to "take care of yourself" because after most women reads my spill, they want no parts of me. But it's cool.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Baffled, Brainwashed, Brethren

An associate posted the image to the right on his Facebook wall. I google'd Ms. Hillary to get a glimpse of her bio. 

Here's what I found:

Barbara Hillary is the first African American woman on record to reach both the North (at the age of 75) and South Poles (at the age of 79).

Born in New York City, New York on June 12, 1931 to Viola Jones Hillary and raised in Harlem, Hillary attended the New School University in New York, N.Y. where she earned both her Bachelor of Arts and Master’s degrees. She used her studies in Gerontology to establish a career in nursing, focusing on staff training in the concepts of patient aging and their service delivery systems in nursing homes and similar facilities. She was also founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Peninsula Magazine, a non-profit and multi-racial magazine in Queens, New York. This magazine was the first of its kind in the region. 

From blackpast.org

I wholeheartedly agree with her quote, "Christianity is the greater shackle, the greater rape of the black mind, than slavery ever was."

British author David Icke stated, "The one major program that holds Black people in America in servitude, and has since its inception, is the 'Christian Program'."

The God Program dominates the psyche of millions of adherents across the globe. The extreme Christian program has gripped the minds of so many Black people in America.

Christianity is the very same religion that was embedded by force, into the mind and hearts of uninformed, unenlightened slaves - who could not communicate with one another, could not read (forbidden to do so) - as part of the process of suppressing and keeping them under control and servitude.

Sadly, in the 21st century, there are millions of African Americans promoting, supporting, and praising the very same system of worship. The control system used by antebellum slave-owners is now controlled, orchestrated and financially manipulated by the ancestors of former slaves. Thereby ensuring that African Americans will stay submissive, remain in servitude and the black mind will continue to be the whore of Christianity.