The image of the Frog choking the Stork is one of my favorites. The little determined critter is boldly saying, "I'm not going down without a fight." "You can't swallow me if I have you by the neck, so brother, we're at an impasse!" This is what life is about. We've all heard the cliches, such as, "Into each life some rain must fall," "It's always darkest before the storm." "This too shall pass," and so many more.
But don't you hate when people start using these bromides? You know they are true; they've withstood the test of time, but it's not really what you want to hear at that particular time. In your mind you're thinking, "sure, that's easy for you to say, you're not in my predicament so get the hell out of my face." That's what you want to say but you don't. You just say thank you and go back to being miserable.
Here's the thing, as difficult as it may be, you must do all you can to remain positive because that is the energy you need to emit to extricate yourself from your negative dilemma.
"Energy flows where attention goes." That's why your energy has to be positive.
So you ask the questions, "How can I remain positive when bill collectors are knocking on my door?" "How can I remain positive when I could lose my home?" "How can I remain positive when my job sucks but I have no other choice but to continue working there?" "How do I remain positive when I have a serious medical condition?"
If the bill collector is not about to put you in jail, there's reason to celebrate. You can't pay what you don't have. Stay positive and go for a walk or go to the gym. If you're facing foreclosure or eviction, do what you can to find agencies that can assist you,if you're past the point of getting assistance, start looking for another place to live, it's not the end of the world, people are evicted all day, every day.
Struggling on your job? Make the best you can of the situation, keep a smile on your face and in your heart and persevere while looking for another job.
When you get off from work, don't lie down, don't wallow in self-pity, go for a walk, drink water, and exercise.
If you're facing a life-threatening situation, face it with courage and stand up in the face of your physical demise because that's a road that everyone will go down.
Actor Chazz Palminteri, who typically plays gangster roles, had a very simple line in the movie, "Boss of Bosses," which has become one of my favorite quotes.
His mob crime boss, Carlo, was on his death bed. The crime boss was scared of what might happen to him after death. He lamented, "the majority of my life I've been bad, I've killed people and had people killed." Palminteri calmly stated as he stood over the dying man's bed, "Hey, nobody gets out alive."
That's a fact, "nobody gets out alive," but energy never dies. Energy moves into form (birth), through form (life), and out of form (physical death) and the cycle is repeated.
Always, keep your head up!
For centuries, our global society has suffered through horrific wars and nonsensical 'cold wars' between Christianity and Islam, based on which deity is the real God (which is beyond absurd).
"My God is better!" "No, Allah is better!" "Well, my God is the true Father!"
Religious adherents are like a bunch of 6-year-olds arguing over whose dad has the better job, or which toy is best.
The "realness" of God is a circular argument that will never be answered; not in our lifetimes, not in our children's lifetime, children's children, and down through infinite generations.
When we transition, the first realization is that we are all connected to Source. We are like that cup of water dipped into the sea, returning to a beautiful, loving, compassionate, nonjudgmental, all-encompassing ocean.
"Never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee."
"No tree has branches so foolish as to fight among themselves."
"Human beings are individualized expressions of the same Source. Some are tall, some are short, some are dark, some are light, some male, some female."
It's sad that there are so many divisive forces that guide our lives. We argue and fight over race, politics, and religion and have long forgotten, or ignored, the time tested aphorism, "United we stand, divided we fall." And that's not specific to the citizens of America, the veracity of this maxim crosses geographical borders.
My solace comes from the fact that this existence, when it's over, will be like waking up from a bad dream.
People look at me sideways when I say this:
"There are other realities out there, other planets, and other dimensions that are much more loving, much more peaceful, and far less manipulative than this rather limited, 3-dimensional reality we refer to as planet Earth."
You'll often hear people say, "life is short," or, "you only get one life, make the most of it." While it is wise to aspire to be the best you can be, as author P.M.H. Atwater stated:
"Somewhere there is always life."
This life is simply a learning experience, a way to broaden our spiritual, energetic, and intellectual horizons. If there's more for us to learn in this terraqueous purlieu, we'll return to the same corporeality in another existence.
If we've made the best of our sojourn here and have learned the basic lesson of unconditional love, our soul/spirit/energy (whatever you care to label it), after this existence, will incarnate in a higher dimension.
Based on over 30 years of research, study, and life experience, this is the article writer's hypothesis as to why we are here.
The "Creation Story," "Heaven and Hell," "Eternal Reward or Damnation," nothing but a Roman story, written by primitive men, gone horrendously viral.
Maybe you've heard the adage, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." It is not incumbent on the "non-believer" to prove their extraordinary claims for the "believer."
The religious adherent believes there was a super-natural being performing miraculous, impractical, illogical and unscientific activities (along with a 600-year-old man gathering two of every species in the world and other outlandish evangelical apocrypha). The burden of proof falls on the individual making those claims to prove their contentions, not the other way around.
Logical objections to nonsensical medieval miracles are based on scientific evaluations, common sense, and the clear evidence of what we have, not what we don't have (aka, blind faith). Compare factual scientific and archaeological data to what's written in archaic text; to what was written 2000-4000 years ago, by men who thought we lived on a flat planet; by writers who had no knowledge of the Jurassic (about 200 million years ago) or Cretaceous (66 million years ago) epochs, and it would be tantamount to comparing Einstein to a first-grader.
The skeptic (or in religions parlance, the heretic) is not claiming, for example, the Greek son of God, Hercules, whose life resembles that of Jesus Christ in many ways, is actually a real historical figure. Therefore, the skeptics burden of proof should not be greater than that of the people making the extraordinary claims. Fallacious assertions such as Jesus walking on water, being raised from the dead, a 600-year old man - Noah - building an Ark, God parting the Red Sea, etc.
Christian theologians, scholars, and historians however, tend to rely on less evidence for proof of their faith, than for comparative religious mythology and for those who challenge their preposterous pious pronouncements. In other words, they want evidence for every minute detail when one speaks against their archaic beliefs, and all the believer needs is "faith." The heretic is required to provide mountains of evidence, in different languages, various cultures, as far back into antiquity as you can go, to show conflicting motifs, contrasting themes, and origins.
In order to convince themselves that 2000 years ago, the god of the cosmos came to Earth (of all the other sextillions of planets that harbor thinking beings) in the womb of a virgin, performed miracles, raised the dead, transfigured on a mount, calmed a storm, resurrected himself from the dead, for all these miraculous events, Christians require nothing more than blind faith and ten percent of your monthly income.
There is no proof other than the New Testament, so their standards are extremely low. There are no physical artifacts from the first century that support such ludicrous claims. There are no autographs or originals of the Gospels or Epistles. There is no evidence in the literary record of the existence of the Canonical Gospels as they would have been before the end of the second century.
The Bible we have today is not quoted verbatim, and none of the fabricated, plagiarized literature, appears anywhere in the annals of human history.
Furthermore, there is not a shred of evidence to show that the gospels were written by the people whose names are presented in the Bible. We don't have proof that the authors, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, actually lived, as depicted in the New Testament.
The stories pertaining to Saint Paul, were not recorded anywhere (except the Bible). Fantastic stories like Paul being brought before Caesar (Acts 25:10), rampaging with hundreds of troops, he's in a ship wreck, escapes from a Roman prison, none of these significant events make it into the historical records of that particular time.
There is no information in any contemporary writings of that particular epoch. Jesus is quoted and paraphrased to the tenth power. However, the plethora of forgeries and fabrications don't emerge until a century has passed. There really is no evidence for the entire Christian story other than the New Testament which is about 90 percent plagiarized from Egyptian mythology (the later).
In addition, at the death of Jesus; 1st Corinthians, 500 people supposedly witnessed the resurrection; there were earthquakes, the sun darkened, the saints rose up out of the ground and wandered through the streets of Jerusalem; Matthew 27: "And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many." None of this finds its way into the contemporary record. You have to wonder why. The believer can't just say, "provide me with all types of documentation related to pre-Christian cultures and apocryphal stories but I'm satisfied with what I read in the New Testament, with absolute nothing to back it up except outlandish fairy tales.
There were numerous historians writing during one of the best documented periods in human history. None of the historians mention any of the miracles the Bible says were performed by Jesus.
Historians such as:
- Apollonius of Tyana, (Born: 3 BCE, Died: 100 CE) was a Greek Neopythagorean philosopher from the town of Tyana in the Roman province of Cappadocia in Asia Minor.
"Being a 1st-century orator and philosopher around the time of Christ, he was compared with Jesus of Nazareth by Christians in the 4th century."
Apollonius was born 3 years before the purported birth of Jesus so to come back 300 years later and "compare him to Jesus," defies logic and common sense. It was more like Christians comparing Jesus to Apollonius, 3 centuries later. This is not a chicken and egg scenario because historical records show Apollonius of Tyana was an actual person; there is absolutely no documented proof (again, other than the Christian holy book) that Jesus walked around performing miracles in Jerusalem.
Furthermore, the character of Jesus has no last name, Christ or Christos is not really a name but an appellation, or title. It describes an appointment; a function in the theocratic structure of Israel.
- Phaedrus (Athenian): name translates to "bright" or "radiant", was born to a wealthy family sometime in the mid-5th century, and was the first cousin of Plato's stepbrother Demos.
- Philo Judaeus: called Philo of Alexandria (born 15–10 BCE, Alexandria - died 45–50 CE), he was a Greek-speaking Jewish philosopher, the most important representative of Hellenistic Judaism (Hellenistic Judaism was a form of Judaism in the ancient world that combined Jewish religious tradition with elements of Greek culture). Philo would have lived during the time Jesus walked the Earth; there is no mention of Jesus in his contemporary annotations.
- Valerius Maximus: Latin writer and author of a collection of historical anecdotes. He worked during the reign of Tiberius (14 CE to 37 CE).
There are many more historians who lived slightly before, during, and after the apocryphal life of the protagonist of the Christian story, and none broach the subject of a guy who walked on water and rose from the dead.
Ok, that horse is dead, so lets look at the non-biblical records of the existence of Jesus, and this would be books of antiquity that do not quote the Bible. I'll wait...
Where are the legitimate historical records such as those that exist for Julius Caesar:
- Born: July 100 BCE- Rome; Died: 15 March 44 BCE (age 55) - Rome. Without a doubt, historians would not have omitted - as Christians would have it - the most significant man/deity in human history. If you're about to pull Flavius Josephus out of your pious hat, you may want to do some research.
or Plato
- Born: 428 BCE; Died: 348 BCE - philosopher and mathematician in Classical Greece, and the founder of "The Academy" in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world.
or Xenophon
- Born: 430 BCE; Died: 354 BCE - son of Gryllus, of the deme Erchia of Athens, also known as Xenophon of Athens, was a Greek historian, soldier, mercenary, and student of Socrates.
Deny all you want, there is no way around the fact that if such a powerful entity perambulated the 90-mile stretch of territory (and with no means of travel except mules, he would not have been able to go very far), his life would have been recorded in history.
There was lots of construction going on in the area where Jesus was to have performed his ministry. The area was more of a crossroads, lots of traffic coming through, from the European continent into Egypt. Myriad people passed through this area and certainly would have heard and written about these miraculous feats.
Scholar of comparative religion and mythology, writer, historian, and researcher, D.M. Murdock (aka Acharya S) states [paraphrasing]:
"It seems to be pretty obvious when you consider all the factors needed to understand, the context and milieu of the day, the only way you can sustain the gospel story is to have it in a vacuum; to remove all practicality around it."
"All the other cultures, you would have to be ignorant of all history, mythology, culture, and language of the time in order to maintain such a story."
Unfortunately, that's exactly what we have today; a collective sacrosanct, willful ignorance among Christian followers.
Murdock: I've actually had debates with people who have said, "oh, I don't want to know anything about those pre-Christian cultures because they were all evil."
At this point, there is no amount of evidence to convince the [brainwashed individual to study and do the research on his or her own]. Then you have the special pleading of "we can believe this, without a stitch of evidence, because it's 'faith'. But, we can't believe anything that you've said, without a mountain of evidence, that we will still reject."
This is where the canonical debate ends for me because, as I've told my children since they were old enough to understand, "it takes a fool to argue with a fool."
When responding to an image on Facebook that included statements about Muslim and Christian terrorist, a supporter of Christianity wrote:
"You Atheist are a dangerous lot."
My response was, "How is an Atheist any more dangerous than a Christian?"
I'm proud to say, I am NOT a Christian, nor do a subscribe to any religion. I also do not refer to myself as Atheist (see the article, "Don't Call Me Atheist").
Is there a 'Divine Entity' that orchestrates this multidimensional universe?
As Jordan Maxwell states, "I don't know who or what God is, but I know what he isn't," referring to the biblical depiction of an omnipotent, omniscient deity. I wear no labels because it gives 'believers' something to criticize while affording them the opportunity to introduce red herrings and circular arguments to any religious debate.
Before getting started on the atrocities of Christianity, a definition of the words "pagan" and "heretic," is necessary, to eliminate any confusion.
Pagan is defined as, "a people or community observing a polytheistic religion, as the ancient Romans and Greeks," or "a member of a religions, spiritual, or cultural community based on the worship of nature or the earth; a neopagan." A heretic is "a person believing in or practicing religious heresy." Heresy is the belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (specifically Christianity) doctrine.
In other words, we (Christians) make the rules - or 'God' made the canonical, archaic laws - adhere and believe in our rules and regulations or you're a heretic, guilty of heresy, and we will kill you (or you're ostracized or excommunicated).
Polytheism is belief in many gods; the opposite of monotheism, which is belief in one god; either way, it's no reason to do what Christians did to those they deemed pagans or heretics, between the 1st and 20th centuries. Ironically, many Christian rituals, practices, and beliefs have their origins in Paganism.
Back to the Facebook post. Before you call an Atheist dangerous, here's a brief review of the hellacious and horrific history of Christianity:
- As soon as Christianity was legal (315 CE), more and more pagan temples were destroyed by Christian mobs. Between 315 CE and the 6th century thousands of pagan believers and pagan priests were murdered in the most unimaginably abominable ways.
- Christian Emperor Theodosius (408-450 CE) even had children executed, because they played with the remains of pagan statues.
- In the early fourth century the philosopher Sopatros was executed on demand of Christian authorities.
- In 6th century pagans were declared void of all rights.
- The world famous female philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria was torn to pieces with glass fragments by a hysterical Christian mob led by a Christian minister referred to as "Peter the Reader," in a church, in 415.
- Two centuries of war between Christians and Muslims in the Crusades (1095-1291).

- Fast forward to the "conversion of Native Americans to Christianity." Beginning with Christopher Columbus (1492) - a former slave trader and 'Holy Crusader' - and his "conquest of the New World, which was a subterfuge and a clandestine way to propagate Christianity, while murdering and displacing hundreds of thousands of Native Americans."
- African slaves converted to Christianity when taken from their homeland; forced to accept Jesus as their "savior" or die (he sure wasn't much of a savior for Jews or Africans, and that's putting in mildly).
- One of the most horrific epochs in human history orchestrated by Christians against Jews included acts of violence and murder culminating in the Holocaust (1933-1945), over 6 million Jews murdered.
- And don't forget, America, dubbed a "Christian Nation", the only country to ever use the Atom Bomb, not once, but twice - Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945).
All along, and even today, children molested and raped by priest, bishops, cardinals, popes, and various other 'dirty ol men' of the clergy.
Christianity is the most vile, the most despicable entity in human history, with no rivals. Anyone who subscribes to such a sordid, macabre religion suffers from "Stockholm Syndrome" and a serious, indiscernible mental deficiency.