Thanks anyway, for those gratuitous greetings but even my own children will tell you about my disdain for the obligatory father's day greetings.. To me it's like saying, "oh look at what a great father/mother I am," "what a great job I'm doing!"
Are we recognized or congratulated for taking care of our arms and legs? Do we get gifts or a pat on the back for taking care of our bodies?
And why don't we? Because we are supposed to take care of those body parts, we're obligated to take care of our bodies...just like we're supposed to take care of our offspring.
We don't see animals celebrating parenthood, they just do it because it's part of their nature.
Self-aggrandizement is defined as "the action or process of promoting oneself as being powerful or important."
Narcissism is defined as "extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type."
"Craving for admiration," that's my point about mother's and father's day. I do not require anyone's approval and don't congratulate me... it's in my DNA.