Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Insane Earth

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

"We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive."

 ~ Albert Einstein

Humanities fervent and foolish belief in an apocryphal deity and mythological 'savior' is the quintessential message of Einstein's definition of insanity.

The second quote pertains to human greed and the tool that has always been used to manipulate and control societies - Religion... 

"Require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.."

Planet Earth is on the verge of implosion in less than a century if the majority continues to focus on pious, antediluvian concepts pertaining to the human spirit and our true nature and connection to one another.

If we don't wake up soon, it's going to be too late to save our planet. 

We are branches of the same tree. There is a Native American proverb that states, "No tree has branches so foolish as to fight amongst themselves."

"In all this vastness there is no hint that help from elsewhere is coming to save us from ourselves." ~ Carl Sagan... In other words, Jesus ain't "coming with the clouds."

Poet John Donne, "never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee..." Translation: WE ARE ONE.

Monday, June 19, 2017

It is in My DNA

Thanks anyway, for those gratuitous greetings but even my own children will tell you about my disdain for the obligatory father's day greetings.. To me it's like saying, "oh look at what a great father/mother I am," "what a great job I'm doing!"

Are we recognized or congratulated for taking care of our arms and legs? Do we get gifts or a pat on the back for taking care of our bodies?

And why don't we? Because we are supposed to take care of those body parts, we're obligated to take care of our bodies...just like we're supposed to take care of our offspring. 

We don't see animals celebrating parenthood, they just do it because it's part of their nature.

Self-aggrandizement is defined as "the action or process of promoting oneself as being powerful or important."

Narcissism is defined as "extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type."

"Craving for admiration," that's my point about mother's and father's day. I do not require anyone's approval and don't congratulate me... it's in my DNA.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Cancer is an Electrical Phenomenon

Our bodies are conductors of electrical energy which can be manipulated with electro magnetic fields. This affirms that the human being is actually a walking transistor. Humans, animals and plants, all living things are electrical entities. Life itself is an electrical phenomenon.

The entire universe consists of energy. The earth itself produces an electro magnetic field and so do all living things - including the human body. These life-based fields resonate in harmony with the planetary field. It is widely accepted that every living cell produces its own EMF in order to communicate efficiently with other cells.

Artificial EMFs disrupt these communications through a process called sympathetic resonance, causing physical, mental, and emotional chaos.

The father of all energy science is Nikola Tesla, a man so far ahead of his time that his contemporaries labelled him a madman – because they couldn’t understand his work.

Tesla designed energy systems that could be used as weapons and to control weather. He also built a tower that could transmit free energy from the Earth’s atmosphere through the air – without wires – and received in the homes of the world with cheap antennas.

His financial backer at the time was the international banker J. P Morgan. When Tesla told Morgan that this power couldn’t be monetized through electricity meters, Morgan withdrew his funding and the technology was never completed.

J. P. Morgan didn’t want you to have anything from which he couldn’t make billions.

The papers and plans for this technology were removed – stolen – by US intelligence from Tesla’s laboratory immediately after his death in 1943 and have remained under lock and key in a US government filing cabinet ever since.

The US government didn’t want you to have anything from which they couldn’t make billions.

In 1898, Nikola Tesla reported to the American Electrotherapeutic Association that energy could be used therapeutically for human health. He doesn’t appear to have created any devices to do this – but remember that his papers and lab equipment were stolen after his death and sequestered by the US government.

Royal Raymond Rife

Royal Raymond Rife was a brilliant American scientist who was born in 1888 and died in 1971. After studying at Johns Hopkins, Rife developed technology which is still commonly used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics, and aviation.

By 1920, Rife had finished building the world’s first virus microscope and was the first man to identify the human cancer virus. By 1933, he had constructed the incredibly complex Universal Microscope, which had nearly 6,000 different parts and was capable of magnifying objects 60,000 times their normal size. With this amazing microscope, Rife became the first human being to actually see a live virus.

Through his tireless work, Rife discovered that Louis Pasteur’s germ theory was completely wrong. He was able to show through his microscope that germs, just like insects, changed their forms as they progressed through life. He called this process pleomorphism. As with Tesla, Rife’s contemporaries were so far behind him that they were unable to understand his technology.

No two types of molecules have the same electromagnetic oscillations or energy signature. Resonance amplifies light in the same way two ocean waves intensify each other when they merge.

By increasing the intensity of a frequency which resonated naturally with these microbes, Rife increased their natural oscillations until they distorted and disintegrated from structural stresses. Rife called this frequency the "Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR)" and it did no harm whatsoever to the surrounding tissues.

This principle can be illustrated by using an intense musical note to shatter a wine glass: the molecules of the glass are already oscillating at some harmonic (multiple) of that musical note; they are in resonance with it. Because everything else has a different resonant frequency, nothing but the glass is destroyed. There are literally hundreds of trillions of different resonant frequencies, and every species and molecule has its very own.

Rife discovered the frequencies which specifically destroyed herpes, polio, spinal meningitis, tetanus, influenza, and an immense number of other dangerous disease organisms.

On November 20, 1931, 44 of America’s most respected medical authorities honored Royal Rife with a banquet billed as “The End To All Diseases” at the Pasadena estate of Dr. Milbank Johnson.

But by 1939, almost all of these distinguished doctors and scientists were denying that they had ever met Rife. What happened to make so many brilliant men have complete memory lapses? It seems that news of Rife’s miracles with terminal patients had reached other ears. What would happen if you discovered a cure for everything?

A token attempt was made to buy out Rife. Morris Fishbein, who had acquired the entire stock of the American Medical Association by 1934, sent an attorney to Rife with “an offer you can’t refuse.” Rife refused.

Harry Hoxsey

We may never know the exact terms of this offer. But we do know the terms of the offer Fishbein made to Harry Hoxsey for control of his herbal cancer remedy. Fishbein’s associates would receive all profits for nine years and Hoxsey would receive nothing. Then, if they were satisfied that it worked, Hoxsey would begin to receive 10% of the profits.

Hoxsey decided that he would rather continue to make all the profits himself. When Hoxsey turned Fishbein down, Fishbein used his immensely powerful political connections to have Hoxsey arrested 125 times in a period of 16 months. The charges (based on practice without a license) were always thrown out of court, but the harassment drove Hoxsey crazy.

Harry Hoxsey, born in 1901, assisted his father’s veterinary practice as a child. Hoxsey explains in his book "You Don’t Need to Die" that his great grandfather observed his favorite horse recover from cancer by eating certain flowers and weeds. His great grandfather then formulated these botanicals into liquid concoctions. Each subsequent Hoxsey generation also worked as veterinarians and continuously improved the formulas.

Fishbein must have realized that this strategy would backfire with Rife. First, Rife could not be arrested like Hoxsey for practising without a license. A trial on trumped-up charges would mean that testimony supporting Rife would be introduced by prominent medical authorities working with Rife. And the defense would undoubtedly take the opportunity to introduce evidence such as the 1934 medical study done with USC. The last thing in the world that the pharmaceutical industry wanted was a public trial about a painless therapy that cured 100% of the terminal cancer patients and cost nothing to use but a little electricity.

Rife spent decades accumulating meticulous evidence of his work, including film and stop-motion photographs; no, different tactics were needed.

The first incident was the gradual theft of components, photographs, film, and written records from Rife’s lab. The culprit was never caught.

Next, while Rife struggled to reproduce his missing data (in a day when photocopies and computers were not available), someone vandalized his precious virus microscopes. Pieces of the 5,682 piece Universal microscope were stolen. Earlier, an arson fire had destroyed the multi-million dollar Burnett Lab in New Jersey, just as the scientists there were preparing to announce confirmation of Rife’s work. But the final blow came later, when police illegally confiscated the remainder of Rife’s 50 years of research.

In 1939, agents of a family which controlled the drug industry assisted Philip Hoyland in a frivolous lawsuit against his own partners in the Beam Ray Corporation (the Rockefeller empire, in tandem with Chase Manhattan Bank - now JP Morgan Chase - owns over half of the pharmaceutical interests in the United States).
 The company was bankrupted by legal expenses. During the Great Depression, commercial production of Rife’s frequency instruments ceased completely.

Doctors who tried to defend Rife lost their foundations, grants, and hospital privileges. Big money was spent ensuring that physicians who had seen Rife’s therapy would forget what they saw. Almost no price was too much to suppress it. In the 21st century, treatment of a single cancer patient averages over $300,000. It’s BIG business.

Out of the nearly $374 billion Americans spend on prescriptions, $32.6 billion – about 9 percent – is spent on oncology drugs, according to an annual report by IMS Health Informatics. Another $11.1 billion is spent on supportive care treatments, which help with the side effects of strong chemotherapy drugs.

Cancer drug costs fluctuate all the time, increasing and decreasing whenever the manufacturer sees fit to change the price. Take Novartis' leukemia drug Gleevec, which cost $24,000 in 2001 when it was approved as a breakthrough drug; now it costs $90,000, according to Forbes. Unfortunately for patients, the cost has little to do with efficacy of the drug or its safety.

“The gift of mental power comes from God, the Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power” – Nikola Tesla.

"It was Einstein who shed light on quantum physics yet medicine still ignores the benefits of utilizing frequencies to aide healing. While we may never fully understand how light heals, I find it interesting that God uses the metaphor of light to describe both goodness and Himself."  - Dr. Kevin Connors, Connors Clinic

Monday, February 6, 2017

Medicinal Benefits of Turmeric Curcumin and Garlic

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”

~ Hippocrates, Greek physician

Benefits of Turmeric:

Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow color. It contains bio-active compounds with powerful medicinal properties. Turmeric may be the most effective nutritional supplement in existence. Many studies show that it has major benefits for your body and brain.

Turmeric has a long history as a healing herb and culinary spice in India. Interestingly, India, which has a high per capita consumption of turmeric, also has a remarkably low incidence of cognitive decline (cognitive impairment is when a person has trouble remembering, learning new things, concentrating, or making decisions that affect their everyday life).

Here are the top 3 evidence-based health benefits of turmeric.
  1. Recently, science has started to back up what the Indians have known for a long time… it really does contain compounds with medicinal properties. These compounds are called curcuminoids, the most important of which is curcumin. Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant.
  2. Natural Anti-Inflammatory Compound: Inflammation is incredibly important. It helps the body fight foreign invaders and also has a role in repairing damage. Without inflammation, pathogens like bacteria could easily take over our bodies and kill us.
  3. Dramatically Increases The Antioxidant Capacity of the Body: Oxidative damage is believed to be one of the mechanisms behind aging and many diseases.
More Benefits:
  • Supports Cognitive Function: Curcumin supports healthy brain cells and optimal overall cognitive function.
  • Supports Joint and Muscle Health: Curcumin promotes a healthy inflammatory response and eases aches and pains.
  • Supports a Healthy Inflammatory Response: Curcumin has been scientifically shown to promote a proper inflammatory response.
  • Promotes Healthy Mood Balance: Studies have shown that curcumin may support a healthy mood.
  • Supports Cardiovascular Function: Curcumin supports heart health by promoting a healthy inflammatory response.
  • Promotes Youthful, Radiant Skin: Curcumin promotes soft, smooth, glowing skin and fights fine lines and wrinkles.

9 Proven Health Benefits of Garlic by Joe Leech, Dietitian

Throughout ancient history, the main use of garlic was for its health and medicinal properties. Its use was well documented by all the major civilizations… including the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans and the Chinese.

The “head” is called a garlic bulb, while each segment is called a clove. There are about 10-20 cloves in a single bulb, give or take. We now know that most of the health effects are caused by one of the sulfur compounds formed when a garlic clove is chopped, crushed or chewed. This compound is known as allicin, and is also responsible for the distinct garlic smell. Allicin enters the body from the digestive tract and travels all over the body, where it exerts its potent biological effects.
  1. Garlic contains Allicin (see above).
  2. Garlic is highly nutritious, with very few calories.
  3. Garlic can combat sickness, including the common Cold. Garlic supplementation is known to boost the function of the immune system.
  4. The active compounds in Garlic can reduce blood pressure. Cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes are the world’s biggest killers. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is one of the most important drivers of these diseases. Human studies have found garlic supplementation to have a significant impact on reducing blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.
  5. Garlic improves cholesterol levels, which may lower the risk of Heart Disease. Garlic can lower total and LDL cholesterol. For those with high cholesterol, garlic supplementation appears to reduce total and/or LDL cholesterol by about 10-15%.
  6. Garlic contains antioxidants that may help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia.
  7. Garlic may increase your life span. Effects on longevity are basically impossible to prove in humans. However, given the beneficial effects on important risk factors like blood pressure, it makes sense that garlic could help you live longer.
  8. Garlic was one of the earliest “performance enhancing” substances. It was traditionally used in ancient cultures to reduce fatigue and enhance the work capacity of laborers. Most notably, it was administered to Olympic athletes in ancient Greece
  9. At high doses, the sulfur compounds in garlic have been shown to protect against organ damage from heavy metal toxicity. A four week study in employees of a car battery plant (excessive exposure to lead) found that garlic reduced lead levels in the blood by 19%. It also reduced many clinical signs of toxicity, including headaches and blood pressure.

Source: Authority Nutrition

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Source Energy and Donald Trump

We came into our bodies from a non-physical perspective. At our demise, we withdraw consciousness from this physical experience and re-emerge into the non-physical reality from whence we came. 

*** Mozart video is on autoplay, scroll down to pause ***

At the point of your physical demise, you feel yourself as the culmination of all that you have become. It is an exhilarating experience to, at one moment, leave behind all doubt, fear, worry, self-denial and become the full recognized Being that you truly are. 

We are all a part of Source Energy. Like a drop of water is part of the ocean (we benightedly call Divine Intelligence, God, Jehovah or Allah, but those epithet's were created and defined by humankind). We make the decision to come into a physical body to experience, to learn, for the maturation of the soul/spirit/energy. Unfortunately, most of us forget who we really are; as Mufasa tells his son Simba, in 'The Lion King', "You are more than what you have become." 

We are Source Energy, experiencing as a human species. This inner guide is always there to guide us in the right direction. The compass, if you will, is our emotions, how we feel. When dealing with challenges, most people turn their boats upstream and paddle against the current instead of going with the flow. There is a positive progression to everyone's life that flows toward Source. Find that flow, let go of the oars and Divine Intelligence will carry you.

The law of attraction is responding to our thoughts on a collective basis as well. The fear, hurt, harm, Wars and hate, are all a culmination of an extremely negative collective energy.

Our dysfunctional problem is, we're always looking for a scapegoat, always looking to blame rather than come up with a resolution. War is most certainly not the answer; as Marvin Gaye crooned, "only love can conquer hate." 

When we move toward Source Energy, we feel better, when we move away, we feel worse and negative things occur.

In the 21st century, to our peril, society is moving at a rapid rate away from Source Energy, but there is a way to return and it's not through antediluvian evangelical mythology.

Barack Obama was the United States president for 8 years. During his time in office, hate based on his race and fear of losing this pseudo power from some members of the Caucasoid race, is what has produced the emergence of a despotic American commander-in-chief in 2017. Essentially, our abhorrent collective consciousness (our odious thoughts) asked for it and that is what we have been given. 

It's not just those people who despised Obama because of his race, but some African Americans are culpable as well. Those who participated in the deleterious rhetoric in forums, news feeds and chat-rooms prevalent throughout the Internet, have contributed to the negative energy that permeates our global culture. 

As a result, we have created this very tumultuous situation based on the fact that "energy flows where attention goes." Our attention in the U.S., specifically from the past two presidencies: 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Obama, because of our emotions, fears and mutual disrespect, has landed our planet on the precipice of global destruction.

But there's a way out and that way is through love. We must put away the labels. Source Energy is not concerned with one's religious denominations, race, or political affiliations. It is a universal energy predicated on unconditional love and if we don't start collectively walking toward that light, we will continue on the path of self-annihilation. 

Find and focus on things that make you smile, that make you laugh, that make you feel good. Take a walk with a close friend or walk in nature.

Listen to smooth jazz or to your favorite g-rated music, or Mozart (even if Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is not necessarily your music genre of choice, you'll be surprised how soothing and inspirational the great composer's music can be).

Whatever you do, stay on the high road because that is where Source Energy resides.

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